Gary invited me to his Church today as they are inaugurating the newly installed elevator. This is my last weekend in #Toronto and I didn't get to meet/talk to him all these days. So he wanted me to be at the church today so that he gets to spend some quality time with me.
As it was time to cut the ribbon tied in front of the new elevator, the person who was MCing this part of the event asked the mass
"How happy do you feel as we have got a new elevator installed in the Church?"
There were very few voices who responded feebly,
The MC responded back to the mass
"Probably others were not as happy because they don’t need an elevator. But remember 'Time is coming' for everyone of us".
As he called the mass for a count down, at the end of the countdown, as the pastors surrounded the ribbon tied in front of the elevator, as the mass clapped, tadaannnn... the elevator opened and the oldest member of the Church came out of the elevator with the youngest kid in the Church. They both held the scissors to cut the ribbons tied in front of the elevator. How thoughtful it was not to put the pastors of the Church in the limelight but to put the actual person who needed the new facility!
I guess, serving Humanity more than the god (capitalization of first H in Humanity is intentional) himself is the purpose why any religion in this world was institutionalized. No harm in the existence of any religion in this World until it serves Humanity more than THEIR God.
On the other hand, there had been killings of the Jewish community right in their Synagogue in Pittsburgh, USA a couple of weeks back, which was extremely disturbing. The oppressed class always loses Faith when the so called God they believe fails to save them from misery. (please do read Ethan’s post about Pittsburgh Jewish Homicide). But it is up to the people who follow any Faith to realize it is not the God whom they are supposed to protect; but the fellow Humans regardless of the Faith one pursues.
May Peace prevail and Humanity evolve ✌